Allergic Rhinitis, Bronchitis and Asthma – A Homeopathic Overview

Tosh, Tosh” went the puff into little Adrian’s mouth. A bit better, he sat on the bed hunched over too wheezy to lie down. It’s gonna’ a be a long night thought Dawn. “ Achuu, Achuu” went Hanna as she entered the room . “ Mom I can’t sleep my nose is blocked again can I have the nasal spray.” Dawn had hoped that after 6 months of using it Hanna would be able to sleep without ‘ snorting’ it ( As hubby Joe, lightly put it). Are there options?’ wondered Dawn as she huddled with them close on the bed; Adrian’s audible harsh breathing filling the room.

Watching someone we love fighting for breath is one of the more difficult, helpless situations we can be in. We do our best to comfort them. The puffs and medication do help. But it keeps coming back. Can we do something to reduce the number of attacks or even stop them completely?
Homeopathic remedies provide a safe effective option. Whether it is a tendency to Rhinitis, Allergic Bronchitis or Asthma, constitutional homeopathic treatment can heal the body control respiratory allergies.

During acute attacks homeopathic remedies like Aconite, Ars Alb, Sanguinaria, Luffa are prescribed. These can also be taken with a time gap from the allopathic medication. It is important to remember that prescribed conventional allopathic medication can be continued during the homeopathic treatment . Within the first few doses of the homeopathic remedy we notice that the intensity of the acute attack is less. The dependency on prescribed conventional medication reduces dramatically.

Extensive studies done at science and medical centres in France and Italy show the activity of Homeopathic remedies on the immune system . Studies done with high dilution remedies like Apis and Lung Histaminum have shown that they reduce inflammation and bring down histaminic activity. 4 studies, Double blind clinical trials conducted at the University of Glasgow also show the efficacy of Homeopathy in Hay fever and Asthma.

After the acute attack is brought under control, deeper acting remedies are given to balance the bodies immune system. As homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine . Individualizing details are important for prescription. To derive this ‘Constitutional Remedy’ the homeopath inquires about the onset and progression of the allergy, family history and other characteristic symptoms of the patient. These deeper acting remedies reduce tendency towards the allergy and control the body’s reaction to triggers.

Once the homeopathic remedies heal the system and the attacks reduce, the conventional remedies can be tapered and latter stopped under the guidance of the prescribing physician.

Marianne a busy professional in Hong Kong had been asthmatic from the age of 6. Being from a family of asthmatics and from frequent hospital admissions in childhood she was well versed with the chain of conventional medicine for her asthma. Having seen her father suffer from the side effects of long term steroid treatment, she looked for safer alternatives. We started her on Homeopathic treatment in March of 2008. Initially she was given Ars Alb for her acute attacks. Extensive case taking helped her identify a few more triggers previously unnoticed. For holistic healing, remedies like Thuja and Phosphorus were given. As commonly seen with Homeopathic treatment, the attacks first reduced in intensity and then appeared less often. Treatment continued for 5 months up to August 2008. Marianne has not had any frank wheezing attacks since. Her daily chest tightness after meals is now just a memory. She has been off homeopathic and conventional medication. An acute homeopathic remedy  has been given to her in case of challenging situations like mould or paint fumes in her living space during her travels.
Hanna who had allergic rhinitis was given a low dose of Natrum Mur to bring the allergy under control. The Homeopathic remedy Sulphur was given to normalize her immune reactions. Symptom-free, she has since discontinued treatment but insists on taking the Nat Mur once in a while as it helping her teenage acne.

For children like Adrian where there is recurrent wheezing the approach is more multifocal. The homeopath needs to examine the child and evaluate if there are any  chronic infections that precipitate  the attacks like infected tonsils or adenoids. Children with such infections get colds and coughs easily and it ‘goes to the chest’ (as mothers often describe) when there are other sensitivities. A history of eczema points to  deep set atopic tendencies. Homeopathic case taking also considers food and environmental triggers. Adrian was treated homeopathically for enlarged suppurated tonsils and for the recurrent allergic bronchitis. He now falls ill less often and the wheezing attacks are rare.

Dr. Sonal Hattangdi-Haridas, Nov 2009

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Categories: Allergy, Homeopathy

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